Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ADC Christmas Banquet

Today's student guest post is by Natasha Davidson. She is in her first year completing her Mdiv. Natasha is from Wolfville and is a youth leader at Falmouth Baptist Church. She also enjoys photography.

There is something about Christmas that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Perhaps it is the music (which I listen to a little too early!), or maybe it is the food (which I eat way too much of!). However, I think that it is the shared time with family and friends that really puts the cherry and the  sprinkles and the chocolate sauce on top for me at the Christmas season! It is just wonderful to get together with
a group of people and really celebrate Jesus' birth!

With the crazy, busy atmosphere of end of term it was really great to get together with the students and staff of ADC and kick off the Christmas break (despite a snow storm) with great food, amazing conversations, and fun, spontaneous games and entertainment! I believe that fun was had by all!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like lots of fun. I am looking forward to next Christmas.
