Monday, December 23, 2013

A Christmas Card

Merry Christmas!

May you have a wonderful Christmas.

May you enjoy time with family and friends and be rejuvenated for a new start in January!

Blessings to you and your family.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Stress Reliever: Bubble Wrap

Today is the last day of classes. Final assignments and exams are ahead of many students. How do students at ADC relieve the stress of school? With bubble wrap.  ADCSA provided bubble wrap in the student lounge today for those who wished to snap away and get carried away in popping.

Enjoy a few fun pictures and then go find some bubble wrap to pop!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Asperger's and Academia: A Personal Story

Today's student guest post is by Andrena LeBlanc. She is in her second year completing her MA. Andrena currently lives in Wolfville, NS.

Asperger’s Syndrome is a condition I have, and it affects everything I do, including my academic life.  For those who do not know, Asperger’s Syndrome is a form of high functioning autism. It affects how people see the world and interact in it. Not only can it make them awkward in social situations, but it can also make them avoid

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Anti-Slavery Week at Acadia

Today's student guest post is by Pelham Flowerdew. He is in his third year at Acadia University. Pelham is the president of Acadia Christian Fellowship.

Hello Div College and beyond!

Those of you who are current students may have seen me around the building every once in a while, and if not, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Pelham Flowerdew, and I’m in my 3rd year pursuing  two degrees – Chemistry and Theology.

I have the privilege of letting you know that this week is a significant one here at Acadia. Anti-Slavery Week, organised by Acadia Christian

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Creative Study Habits

*Editor's note: Sometimes it is important
to take a break from studies and be a little silly.
Today's student guest post is by Isaac "Tree" Russell. He is in his second year of the MDiv program. Tree is the Youth Pastor at Aylesford Baptist Church. He currently lives in Wolfville, NS.

Hello everyone,

I would like to take a moment to share my study methods and ways I've personally found to be successful to me for studying. There are three components of studying for me which, when blended together, create a solid study recipe anyone can digest. The components are the right place,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Last 33.3 KM

Today's student guest post is by Erin Jackman. She is in her third year of the MDiv program. Erin serves at Newport Baptist Church and as Social Rep on ADCSA. She currently lives in Scotch Village, NS.
Not to alarm anyone, especially my fellow classmates, but there are only four weeks of classes left.  Really?  When did that happen?  With one-month left and a heavy final month of class, we students are entering a time of stress and anxiety. Not only do we have assignments and final exams coming up, most of us are involved in

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hayward Week Reflection

Today's student guest post is by James Wood.  He is in the first year of the MA program with a focus on New Testament. James lives in Wolfville, NS.

When asked to blog about Hayward Week, I was suddenly reminded how new I am to Acadia Divinity College (ADC). My family and I moved here from Saskatchewan less than three months ago, and we had no ties to Wolfville, let alone Acadia. What insight could I possibly have in such a short time? I quickly discovered ADC lived up to its

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

ADCSA Executive 2013 - 2014

The ADCSA (Acadia Divinity College Student Association) Executive exists to help bring community and assist you from a student standpoint as you study at ADC.  This year we are focusing on ways to enhance community at ADC in the midst of the changes over the last few years which has resulted in ADC students spread throughout Atlantic Canada and the world.

If you have ideas or concerns or would like more information about student life at ADC, please contact us.  You can contact any of us by email (below picture) or visit the ADC Students Online page for more ways to contact current ADC students.

Meet the 2013 - 2014 ADCSA Executive Team:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

ADC Trip to Israel

Today's student guest post is by Ben Grosvenor.  He is in the third year of the Mdiv program. Ben lives in Stewiacke, NS.

It was early February 2012. I had absolutely no idea that a mere two and a half months later I would be making a trip of a lifetime. I had just taken a seat by myself in the Langley room with my bowl of soup. It was Wednesday afternoon at ADC, and the room was quickly filling with hungry students and staff who were taking advantage of the very reasonably priced community lunch. It was just moments after I had began sipping my soup that Dr. Glenn Wooden

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Reflections on the ADC Retreat

Today's student guest post is by Matt Wilton.  He is in the second year of the MDiv program. Matt lives in Halifax, and serves as the Vice President of the ADCSA (Acadia Divinity College Student Association).  

Though driving from Halifax to ADC for an 8:45 AM class may make one envy on-campus students with a five minute walk (particularly on an icy, February morning), early morning conversations with fellow students seem to make it all worth it. While such conversations usually include the latest

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

From Toronto to Wolfville

Today's student guest post is by Keith Blair.  He is in the first year of the MDiv program.  Keith lives in Wolfville, and recently received the call to be the Youth Pastor at Alton Baptist Church.

“By faith, Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8

There is something courageous and inspiring about the story of Abraham, a man who trusted God so completely that he was willing to uproot everything he had in his life for the sake of his faith in following an unseen God. But

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vowels Or Vehicles?

Today's student guest post is by Tyler Horton.  He is in the first year of the MA (NT Studies) program.  Tyler lives in rural New Brunswick, just outside of Fredericton, where he has been an Assistant Pastor for 10 years.

I knew these moments were coming, I just didn’t expect one in my first week.

At two years old, Samuel is my youngest child and at this stage he is playing exclusively with cars.  The repeating stages of playing with Sam are:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

As the School Year Begins

"It's six a.m.  I'm so tired.  The alarm sounds a new day begins. Before I go and disturb this peaceful moment, I look to you.  I wanna say a prayer before my feet can hit the ground.  Lord I give this day to you. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in.  And watch the day begin.  I want to watch the day begin."  - Audio Adrenaline, This Day.

When I wake up early for morning class, this song comes to mind.  As I have been reflecting on the beginning of the school year, these words come to mind.  We could change the words “a new day” to

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


In the Spring, I was ready for a break from school.  By July, I was starting to think about school again.  By mid August, I was ready to get back to class.  Or was it really seeing how students are going to populate the "new and improved" student lounge?  Or was it getting to see friends again?  Or was it the anticipation of new classes and learning how to do ministry effectively? Or being challenged by faculty and students? Or was it really getting Starbucks once a week from Dustin?  It's all of these things and more!