Monday, June 2, 2014

ADC Scripture Reading Contest 2014

During the Winter term, ADC partners with The Canadian Bible Society to host a scripture reading contest. This year's first place winner is Heather Card. The winner was invited to read at the Commissioning Service for the 2014 Graduating Class, and received a monetary prize and Bible donated from the Canadian Bible Society. All contestants also received the Finance Bible from the Canadian Bible Society.

Scripture Reading Contestants
Back Row: Christoph, Terry, Jeff, Joe, Keith, Alec, Dr. Brackney
Front Row: Lori, Palhem, Heather

Friday, May 2, 2014

A Graduate's Reflection

Today's student guest post is by Helena Allan. She graduated with her MA in 2012 and graduates with her MDiv this month from ADC.

I am reactionary, yes. I am easily hurt, yes. I respond on emotion, yes. As a result, I have made many poor decisions and choices in my life. They are decisions I accept and in many cases, stand by; I accept responsibility for any fall out caused by my life choices. I know I haven't always handled situations in the best of ways, and I accept that.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Poetry: Famous

Today's student guest post is by Erin Jackman.  She is in her third year of the MDiv program.  Erin lives in Middleton, NS and serves as Social Rep on ADCSA

One way that I express my thoughts and feelings is through poetry or song writing. I wrote this poem around 2004 as a reflection of a time when God worked in my life and brought me out of a life that I was not called to live. He provided me a second chance in life and ever since I aim to serve that his glory shines and he becomes famous.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Juggling Roles

Today's student guest post is by Dustin Day. He is in his final year of the MDiv program. Dustin serves as President on ADCSA and is the co-Interim Pastor at Timberlea Baptist Church. Dustin is newly married to Valerie and lives in Halifax, NS.

We all have roles in society. Son or daughter, cousin, father or mother, aunt or uncle – we all have them. Our roles tend to define us and label us. Anti-bullying assemblies through grade school have taught me that ‘Labels are for jars and cans, not people.’ As I get older I realize that we will always have labels, but the difference is that adults tend to be proud of their labels, not shy away from them.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Student Testimony: Forgiveness

Today's student guest post is by Elisabeth Crosby.  She is in the first  year of her MDiv PACC program. Elisabeth and her two girls live in Halifax, NS.

Once upon a time, I was married and had two little girls – Joanna was three and Rachel was a new baby.

 I was miserable.  I was suffering from depression, although I didn't know it.  I could hardly reach out to people – which is hard to believe if you know me at all!  I called this time in my life “The Dark Night of My Soul,” after St. John of the Cross' description spoke into that time. I was so dry spiritually; I

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Day I Turned off Notifications

Today's student guest post is by Erin Jackman.  She is in her third year of the MDiv program.  Erin lives in Middleton, NS and serves as Social Rep on ADCSA.

When it comes to technology/social media, I find myself in between two generations. The generation who thinks it is neat, but doesn’t depend on it and the generation who depends on it as if it’s their lifeline.  Every once in a while I will go on a social media free weekend. Last year I went for half a semester without FB & Twitter so I could focus on school without the distraction.  This year, I am

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today's student guest post is by Isaac "Tree" Russell. He is in his second year of the MDiv program. Tree is the Youth Pastor at Aylesford Baptist Church. He currently lives in Wolfville, NS. He also wrote a post on Creative Study Habits.

Hey y’all, Erin asked me to share about my faith as well as linking it with my interest in fitness. I think there are a lot of connections and commonalities between the two.

Starting with faith, it's interesting to note how having a “belief” in some sort of spiritual perspective can be positive, for a number of reasons. I would suggest Christianity is the way, truth, and the life. It’s a growing

Monday, February 17, 2014

Looking Into the Eyes of the Homeless

Today's student guest post is by Kayley Sanders. She is in her second year completing her M.Div. Kayley is currently living in Wolfville and is serving at New Minas Baptist Church in the area of children and youth.

Hello, my name is Kayley, and I am in my second year of my MDIV specializing in youth ministry. Last summer I had a life changing experience working as a chaplain assistant (intern) at The Mustard Seed in Calgary. The Mustard Seed, a Christian non-profit street ministry, began as a coffee house called the burning bush in the basement of a church in downtown Calgary.

The founder Pat knows the struggles that homeless people face on a

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Student Testimony: Linda DeMone

Linda DeMone is a B. Th. student and lives in Digby, NS. She shared her testimony during chapel on Oct. 9, 2013. This is her story.

At the beginning of sharing my testimony I have said in the past, “My only wish from my testimony this morning is that it will be a blessing to someone or touch someone’s life in a positive way.” I hope that this is the case for this written version.
We grew up in a Christian home and for as long as I can remember we attended Sunday School and church.  I don’t know of any family who hasn’t had their share of trials and ours was no

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Our guest post today is by Tyler Horton, who previously wrote "Vowels or Vehicles". He continues to share with us his journey of balancing family life and school. He is in the first year of the MA (NT Studies) program.  Tyler lives in rural New Brunswick, just outside of Fredericton, where he has been an Assistant Pastor for 10 years. 

I remember looking up and realising that the festive presence of our poinsettia at one end of the family piano was being intruded upon by a set of three small pumpkins from Halloween that were nestled awkwardly at the other.  The date was December 21st.  As a widowed father of three kids, seven and under, if I don’t do it, it doesn’t get

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ADC Christmas Banquet

Today's student guest post is by Natasha Davidson. She is in her first year completing her Mdiv. Natasha is from Wolfville and is a youth leader at Falmouth Baptist Church. She also enjoys photography.

There is something about Christmas that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Perhaps it is the music (which I listen to a little too early!), or maybe it is the food (which I eat way too much of!). However, I think that it is the shared time with family and friends that really puts the cherry and the  sprinkles and the chocolate sauce on top for me at the Christmas season! It is just wonderful to get together with

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

ADCSA Events & Important Dates for Winter 2014

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to class for the Winter 2014 semester. Natasha and I would like to bring you the events and dates for the rest of the semester. Be sure to mark them on your calendar! Attending events that are planned and provided for you by ADCSA Social Reps are opportunities to build the ADC community and take a much needed break from your studies.