Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hayward Week Reflection

Today's student guest post is by James Wood.  He is in the first year of the MA program with a focus on New Testament. James lives in Wolfville, NS.

When asked to blog about Hayward Week, I was suddenly reminded how new I am to Acadia Divinity College (ADC). My family and I moved here from Saskatchewan less than three months ago, and we had no ties to Wolfville, let alone Acadia. What insight could I possibly have in such a short time? I quickly discovered ADC lived up to its

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

ADCSA Executive 2013 - 2014

The ADCSA (Acadia Divinity College Student Association) Executive exists to help bring community and assist you from a student standpoint as you study at ADC.  This year we are focusing on ways to enhance community at ADC in the midst of the changes over the last few years which has resulted in ADC students spread throughout Atlantic Canada and the world.

If you have ideas or concerns or would like more information about student life at ADC, please contact us.  You can contact any of us by email (below picture) or visit the ADC Students Online page for more ways to contact current ADC students.

Meet the 2013 - 2014 ADCSA Executive Team:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

ADC Trip to Israel

Today's student guest post is by Ben Grosvenor.  He is in the third year of the Mdiv program. Ben lives in Stewiacke, NS.

It was early February 2012. I had absolutely no idea that a mere two and a half months later I would be making a trip of a lifetime. I had just taken a seat by myself in the Langley room with my bowl of soup. It was Wednesday afternoon at ADC, and the room was quickly filling with hungry students and staff who were taking advantage of the very reasonably priced community lunch. It was just moments after I had began sipping my soup that Dr. Glenn Wooden

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Reflections on the ADC Retreat

Today's student guest post is by Matt Wilton.  He is in the second year of the MDiv program. Matt lives in Halifax, and serves as the Vice President of the ADCSA (Acadia Divinity College Student Association).  

Though driving from Halifax to ADC for an 8:45 AM class may make one envy on-campus students with a five minute walk (particularly on an icy, February morning), early morning conversations with fellow students seem to make it all worth it. While such conversations usually include the latest

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

From Toronto to Wolfville

Today's student guest post is by Keith Blair.  He is in the first year of the MDiv program.  Keith lives in Wolfville, and recently received the call to be the Youth Pastor at Alton Baptist Church.

“By faith, Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8

There is something courageous and inspiring about the story of Abraham, a man who trusted God so completely that he was willing to uproot everything he had in his life for the sake of his faith in following an unseen God. But